David makes every effort to respond to requests for interviews, media inquiries or questions about his work in school and community safety.
For the quickest response to a media inquiry, put MEDIA INQUIRY in the message description of your email and include your direct telephone number in the message. [email protected]
Dr. Perrodin's professional biography and professional photo are at the bottom of this page and may be used for media purposes. Please credit Fred Galley when using the photo.

David P. Perrodin, PhD, is the wrangler of nonlinear things that are impossible to predict or control. He’s an author, researcher, professor, and host of The Safety Doc Podcast. Dr. Perrodin is a speech-language pathologist specializing in psycholinguistics. David earned a doctor of philosophy degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis from the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he researched high stakes safety decisions in education, health care and military. He delivered two school safety presentations on PBS Television (School Safety in America: Rhetoric vs. Reality, 2019) and (School Security and Crisis Preparedness, 2013), and also wrote and directed a film about school safety with Pulitzer Prize winner David Obst. Dr. Perrodin's work has been featured in, and cited by, numerous newspapers, journals, and broadcasts including New York Daily News, Phi Delta Kappan, Crisis Response, School Business Affairs, Spectrum News, Sinclair Broadcast Group and National Public Radio. He is the author of The Velocity of Information: Human Behavior During Chaotic Times (Rowman & Littlefield, 2022) and School of Errors: Rethinking School Safety in America (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019). David is an avid long-distance cyclist. MEDIA INQUIRY: david(dot)perrodin(at)gmail(dot)com
Dr. Perrodin's LinkedIn Page: www.linkedin.com/in/david-p-perrodin-phd-52a88818a