Posts by David P. Perrodin
Paying the Liar’s Dividend in School Safety | SAFETY DOC PODCAST 102 | Dr. David Perrodin [Podcast]
[Podcast] On July 3, 2019, Dr. Perrodin presented School Safety in America: Rhetoric Vs. Reality on Wisconsin Public Television. During that presentation, he identified weaponized deepfakes as the biggest threat to student safety and that the incentive to use deepfakes to target students might be as simple as “The Liar’s Dividend.” DIRECT LINK to MP3…
Read MoreCustomer Perceived Value – Putting a Price on Safe Schools | SAFETY DOC PODCAST #101 with David Perrodin, PhD [Podcast]
[Podcast] You can’t put a price tag on keeping schools safe – or can you? The $3 billion school safety industry is on a nonstop trajectory for both number of bills proposed and bills enacted to legislate, and sometimes fund, a staggering array of new mandates and unchecked block grants for school safety. DIRECT LINK…
Read MoreSAFETY DOC PODCAST #100 | Force Majeure is the Ripcord of School Safety | Dr. David Perrodin, PhD [Podcast]
[Podcast] In 2011, I co-founded what would become one of the largest school-based positive behavior summits in the Midwest. As my partners and I crafted legal contracts with the conference center, vendors and presenters, we were introduced to the term “Force Majeure” which is very significant in Wisconsin in February. Ever since, I’ve considered force…
Read MoreWhat Common Rule Means for School Safety Drills | SAFETY DOC PODCAST #99 with Dr. David Perrodin [Podcast]
[Podcast] As of May, 2019, only 43 of 50 states require schools to have safety plans and conduct safety drills (Education Commission of the States, 2019). When states mandate schools to have safety plans and conduct safety drills, it is the individual schools left to determine how they will design said plans and drills. In…
Read MoreParis Must Learn From Citicorp Tower’s Fatal Flaw | SAFETY DOC PODCAST #98 [Podcast]
[Podcast] In 1978, an engineering student discovered a fatal structural flaw in New York City’s just-completed Citicorp Tower. What happened next wasn’t made public for nearly 20 years! DIRECT LINK to MP3 of this Episode: NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL FIRE LEAD CONTAMINATION Dr. Perrodin juxtaposes the Citicorp Tower dilemma with the modern day unfolding crisis of…
Read MoreCurious and Serious Inaccuracies of the Notre Dame Fire with Dr. David Perrodin PhD | SAFETY DOC PODCAST #97 [Podcast]
[Podcast] Dr. Perrodin notes curious inaccuracies of the Notre Dame Cathedral fire, the bizarre subsequent investigation, a looming detrimental Paris health hazard and wraps this entire discussion within a the philosophical shell of torus theory. DIRECT LINK to MP3 of this Episode: INACCURACIES ABOUT THE CATHEDRAL FIRE This episode was originally drafted as a platform…
Read MoreWhy May Should Not Be Food Allergy Month | SAFETY DOC PODCAST #96 | Dr. David Perrodin, PhD [Podcast]
[Podcast] Why is May designated as Food Allergy Awareness Month? Dr. Perrodin points out the merits of awareness activities centered to food and other allergies – some with potentially life-threatening consequences. However, he identifies the irrationality of devoting the month of May to allergy awareness primarily as it is at the very end of the…
Read MoreThe Perilous Practice of Exempting Disabled Students from Safety Drills | Attorney James Sibley | SAFETY DOC PODCAST #95
[PODCAST] Attorney James Sibley is a potent advocate for special needs students and their families fighting for fair treatment. In this episode of the Safety Doc Podcast, Attorney Sibley and host David Perrodin discuss the sprawling practice of limiting or exempting students with disabilities from school safety instruction, drills and access to threat reporting systems.…
Read MoreConfirmation Bias in School Safety with Dr. David Perrodin | SAFETY DOC PODCAST #94
[PODCAST] I was attending a convention for school safety “experts” – I suppose. The presentations were a mix of pitches from field experts and product vendors. There wasn’t much new for me to learn and I found myself rather cynical and skeptical watching others present on school safety as everyone has a self-serving agenda. One…
Read MoreSAFETY DOC PODCAST #93 | Why the Sidelines of School Safety Are a Tragic Act of Kindness | Dr. David Perrodin, PhD
[PODCAST] Schools are exempting students with disabilities from participating in safety instruction and safety drills. These misplaced pardons are enabled via an incorrect application of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process or a district-generated parent “opt-out” form. First, let’s be clear that it is illegal to exempt students from mandated fire drills. However, the practice…
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