Posts Tagged ‘depression’
Untold Stories From Former Soviet Cyclist Nikolai Razouvaev | SAFETY DOC PODCAST #144
[Podcast] Nikolai Razouvaev was part of the Soviet national team between 1984 and 1990. He won a gold medal in a team time trial at the UCI junior world championships in 1984. Nikolai was cycling in Kiev just days following the April 26, 1986, Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster. Kiev, with a population of 2 million,…
Read MoreWealth Shaming in Schools (It’s Gone Too Far) | SAFETY DOC PODCAST 85 [Podcast]
PODCAST-With the coldest months of winter fast approaching, a school in the U.K. has banned luxury coats in order to help “poverty proof” its educational environment. Per Guy Davies (ABC News, 11-19-2018), the head teacher at Woodchurch High School in Wirral, England, moved to ban coats made by expensive brands after consulting with both parents…
Read MoreWhat Does ‘Pareidolia’ Mean and Why is it Dangerous? | SAFETY DOC PODCAST #71
PODCAST-Pareidolia can be dangerous when it gets religious or political: Jesus on toast may be one thing, but what if a rusty sacred water stain dripped down the front facade of your public county courthouse and believers came flocking? DIRECT LINK to MP3 of this Episode: IN THIS EPISODE What Does ‘Pareidolia’ Mean & Why…
Read MoreSAFETY DOC PODCAST 58: Video Gaming the System – Are Video Games a Debilitating Addiction?
PODCAST-Dr. Perrodin, PhD, sifts and winnows a pair of articles pertaining to the controversial pathologizing of video games as addictive behaviors warranting recognition by the World Health Organization and American Psychiatric Association. DIRECT LINK to MP3 of this Episode: HOW GAMING ADDICTION BECOMES A MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS Gaming addiction and social media addiction are at the…
Read MoreSafety Doc Podcast #57: Irrational Desire for Perfection or Dread of Social Failure – Why are Younger Adults are so Depressed?
PODCAST – The overwhelming pursuit of perfection is driving young people into increased levels of depression and anxiety per a Yahoo article that referenced a study of over 41,000 college students between 1989-2016 in America, Canada and Great Britain. (Parker, 2018). In this episode of The Safety Doc Podcast, Dr. Perrodin centers his analysis and…
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