Posts Tagged ‘depression’

SAFETY DOC PODCAST 58: Video Gaming the System – Are Video Games a Debilitating Addiction?

PODCAST-Dr. Perrodin, PhD, sifts and winnows a pair of articles pertaining to the controversial pathologizing of video games as addictive behaviors warranting recognition by the World Health Organization and American Psychiatric Association. DIRECT LINK to MP3 of this Episode: HOW GAMING ADDICTION BECOMES A MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS Gaming addiction and social media addiction are at the…

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Safety Doc Podcast #57: Irrational Desire for Perfection or Dread of Social Failure – Why are Younger Adults are so Depressed?

PODCAST – The overwhelming pursuit of perfection is driving young people into increased levels of depression and anxiety per a Yahoo article that referenced a study of over 41,000 college students between 1989-2016 in America, Canada and Great Britain.  (Parker, 2018). In this episode of The Safety Doc Podcast, Dr. Perrodin centers his analysis and…

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