Posts Tagged ‘’

Loki the Chaos God | Blaming the Norse Mythology Trickster Straw Man for Life’s Woes | SDP164

[Podcast] Doc discusses the mythical Loki, it’s societal role over time, and our present-day tendency to offload responsibility and accountability to Loki. In addition, Doc also examines The Straw Man Fallacy, which is often found lurking in the same shadows as the Loki. DIRECT LINK to MP3 of this Episode: WHAT IS LOKI? Loki is…

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Intellectual Property for the Everyday Internet User | Lee Jarvis | SDP153 Livestream 12-27-2020

[Podcast] Lee Jarvis is an Analyzer of Data Processes. He has much knowledge about intellectual property and critical considerations for bloggers, podcasters, social media influencers, and the person in charge of adding uplifting cartoons or images to the church bulletin.  What happens if you post a copyrighted image to your blog? How about streaming a…

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Carl Hopf: EHS in the time of COVID | Bluetooth, PPE, and Biological Best Practices | SDP152 Livestream 11-24-2020

[Podcast] Has Apple or Google uploaded a COVID-19 tracking app to your phone without asking first? One million Coloradans have opted in to receive COVID-19 exposure notifications – now what? Could voluntary apps become part of unalterable operating systems? How exactly does Bluetooth work and what are the security risks with Bluetooth communications? What’s the…

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