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“Reconnaissance Man” – Interview with Economist & Author Aaron Clarey – SDP#32

If you don’t know what to study in college, then don’t go. And if you don’t know what to do in life, then don’t go. In both instances you’ll waste precious time and money you don’t have, and it pays instead to take inventory of you are, what you want to do, and where you belong in this world. But how do you do that? How do you find out who you are, what you were destined to do, and what your purpose in life is? And perhaps just as important, how do you do that quickly and efficiently as possible so you don’t waste any more time in life than you already have? Simple. You become a “Reconnaissance Man.”

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Shattering Myths of Transference & Countertransference in Crisis Contexts – SDP#31

Transference is a phenomenon characterized by unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another. One definition of transference is “the inappropriate repetition in the present of a relationship that was important in a person’s childhood”. To frame his discussion of transference, Dr. Perrodin explores the article The Different Faces of Transference written by Michael Maccoby which appeared in Harvard Business Review in 2004. While the article is dated, the perspectives of the author are helpful in bringing understanding to how transference has changed from the workforce of 2004 to the workforce of 2017.

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Inside the Meticulous Mind of an Expert Legal Witness – SDP#28

At the outset of a lawsuit, an experienced attorney will formulate a discovery strategy that is geared toward learning as much as possible about who the opposing party’s trial witnesses will be, what their testimony will consist of, and what documents they will offer to support their claims. We assume that attorneys possess an exhaustive knowledge base in many fields, yet for some legal cases, attorneys have very little knowledge of the interdisciplinary clockwork of the industry, such as how public schools operate from day-to-day. In these instances, an outside expert can be used to help a client and his or her attorney gain a better understanding of how best to present a successful case.

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