Posts Tagged ‘the405radio’
What is the Rubric for Good? | Safety Doc Podcast #70 | Dr. David Perrodin, PhD
PODCAST-Good exists independent of being filtered and shaped by humans. It endures context and situation and has superb inter-rater reliability. Yet, “good” is overwhelmingly subjected to external positionality – or to exist per the characteristics and conditions of what others deem must be present for something to be considered good. DIRECT LINK to MP3 of…
Read MoreSafe Rooms & Cry Rooms | Welcome to College with Author Ann Sterzinger | SAFETY DOC PODCAST #69
PODCAST-Misanthropic author Ann Sterzinger and host David Perrodin attempt to gain philosophical understanding of the epistemological foundation for post-secondary institutions of learning proliferating safe rooms and cry rooms across campuses. Initially the guise of art, such rooms shed temporary labels and are rooting in libraries, lecture halls, and dorms. Not invasive. Welcomed. DIRECT LINK to…
Read MoreSeven Reasons to Stop Making & Taking Surveys | SAFETY DOC PODCAST 68 with Dr. David Perrodin
PODCAST-“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple” (Dr. Seuss). Dr. Perrodin centers this episode to the seven reasons he loathes surveys and lays out a vastly better alternative for gathering relevant input to inform decision making. DIRECT LINK to MP3 of this Episode: WHAT IS A SURVEY – THE NUTS AND BOLTS…
Read MoreBurning Building Bathroom Blues | My Hot Water Needs Heating | SAFETY DOC PODCAST #67
PODCAST-This is the LAST May in 2018 – disheartening news as David apparently overlooked the other Mays of 2018. Perhaps he should unfollow the Mayan calendar? In this episode, Dr. Perrodin flies solo and revolves anecdotal stories to touch upon agency, purpose and situational awareness. DIRECT LINK to MP3 of this Episode: TWO-ALARM FIRE AT…
Read MoreSimplifying the Equation of Podcasting Success | Author Larry Roberts on SAFETY DOC EPISODE #66
PODCAST-Simplifying the Equation of Podcasting Success… “When I started podcasting, I read so many different books and watched so many different videos that I ended up confused and overwhelmed to the point that I went out and bought equipment that I still haven’t even used! It’s outdated tech. Don’t tell my wife. She still thinks I’m…
Read MoreSAFETY DOC PODCAST 65 | How Mantras Crush Intentions and Mission Statements
PODCAST-The word mantra can be broken down into two parts: “man,” which means mind, and “tra,” which means transport or vehicle. In other words, a mantra is an instrument of the mind. At the end of the day, the mantra is meant to bring you back to simplicity. We live in such a complex world…
Read MoreSAFETY DOC PODCAST #63: Rituals Make Us Stronger | Interview with TJ Martinell
PODCAST-Author/Writer/Reporter/Outdoorsman TJ Martinell appraises routines, rituals and experiences versus accumulation of “stuff”. Embracing an authentic, minimalism-grounded lifestyle from his svelte-outfitted cabin, TJ suggests that finding yourself begins with reconnaissance and locating the empirical origins of both ancestry and philosophical epistemology. Making the world perceptible, TJ describes his pilgrimage to view the US Constitution or stand upon the…
Read MoreSAFETY DOC PODCAST #62: First Upon An Accident | Interview with Justin Dooley
PODCAST-International Man of Mystery Justin Dooley shares his harrowing experience of arriving first to a gruesome motorcycle accident scene while donned in formal wedding attire. In the second half of the show, he challenges Safety Doc Podcast host David Perrodin to select the best safety items to keep in a vehicle. This episode addresses the…
Read MoreSAFETY DOC PODCAST 61: Online Predator Tactics | Child Grooming Awareness with Hector Solis
PODCAST-Dr. Perrodin and Hector Solis of Awareness Podcast traverse the uncomfortable and terrifying topics of youth grooming and youth trafficking. Despite its pivotal importance, this life-saving information is largely absent from mainstream media and school counseling curriculum. Yet choosing to ignore the monster does not make it disappear. CAUTION – MATURE CONTENT. This episode of The Safety…
Read MoreSAFETY DOC PODCAST 60: The 4 Self Awareness Archetypes – Introspection’s Fatal Flaw
PODCAST-To better understand the primary quadrants of self-awareness, Dr. Perrodin examines an exemplary article written by Tasha Eurich, PhD, of Harvard Business Review. She wrote “Self-awareness seems to have become the latest management buzzword — and for good reason. Research suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and more creative. We make…
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