Archive for March 2020

How Coronavirus Changed America’s Social Contract | SAFETY DOC PODCAST #125

[Podcast] Doc does a face validity check in, describes the American social contract, and then identifies ways personal privacy changed this month and how those changes will likely be permanent. DIRECT LINK to MP3 of this Episode: ARE WE ALL DEPUTIZED? Doc notes counties and communities encouraging residents to report alleged violations of social gathering decrees…

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Coronavirus Vs. 9/11 – What we got right in 2001 and wrong in 2020 [Safety Doc Podcast #121]

[Podcast – LIVESTREAM] Dr. Perrodin delivers a rare livestream analysis of coronavirus response, comparisons to 9/11 response, what’s unprecedented, what’s likely ahead, and the pace of new developments. He also discusses the impact on post-secondary education institutions and a likely complete closure of the K-12 school system for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.…

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